come un uomo inseguito
1944 • 1989 • 2022
a train on the Balkan route
a mysterious appointment between generations
Come un uomo inseguito
26-27-28 settembre ore 20.30
Salus Space • via Malvezza 2/2 • Bologna
exhibition/performance from the work of Danilo Kiš
production Cantieri Meticci
written and directed by Pietro Floridia
assistant directors Niccolò Di Flavio, Laura Marcon, Alessia Pasqualini, Bruno Ughi
stage design Luana Pavani, Davide Sorlini
props Sara Pour, Joulya Samra
video shooting Oscar Serio
animations Sara Pour
music Simone Lamusta, Emiliano Minoccheri
on stage: Donatella Allegro, Stefania Alterio, Anna Luigia Autiero, Alessia Del Bianco, Younes El Bouzari, Pietro Floridia, Nicola Gencarelli, Seit Kibja, Joumana Maana, Antar Mohamed Marincola, Emiliano Minoccheri, Irene Maria Olavide, Sonia Samra
IL COSTO DEL BIGLIETTO È DI 10€, da pagare all’ingresso oppure tramite donazione su PAYPAL.
Ingresso ridotto per i soci di Cantieri Meticci (7€).
Lo spettacolo è all’aperto, quindi vi consigliamo di portare una giacca o un maglione!
pietro floridia • playwriter and director
Starting from the published and unpublished work of Danilo Kiš, a great Serbian author of the 20th century, comes the rewriting carried out by Cantieri Meticci: from text fragments, images and plot outlines sketched out during his last train journey to Paris, shortly before his death.
A metaphysical thriller on the quest for a missing father, which unravels along the tracks of those questions that have always accompanied humanity: what do we inherit from the past? How can we pass it on to those who will come after us? What can writing and art do in the face of death?
The audience is welcomed aboard that train destined to travel along the course of history, crossing Europe in three different eras: 1944, 1989, 2022.
the passengers
Juljia Szabò
She is a childhood friend of Danilo's and wants to return to Ukraine to bring back her husband's body. She fell in love with the writer when they were children, thanks to the launching of a paper plane.
Nadia Maalouf
The daughter of a Lebanese family, she is pretending to be Jewish in order to cross the border. She therefore decides, together with her parents, to rely on a passer who can help them obtain entry visas for Europe.
Dragoljub Golubovíc
Part of the Soviet border police, he boards the train following a report of illegal 'goods'. He starts hunting down the illegal immigrants, causing them to flee.
Mirjana Macbetovic
The nationalist winds are blowing in Belgrade. Mirjana and Slobo listened to the speech on Milošević's Greater Serbia; in the kitchen of the dining car they sharpen knives for the Muslims.
Mira Trailovic
The enigmatic woman with the black veil who helps illegal immigrants disguise themselves as pregnant women to illegally cross the border between Romania and Yugoslavia.
Rebeka Kiš
She is the owner of the dining coach, a very sophisticated and classy person. She knows the route and is aware of the presence of clandestines on board. She offers them protection in exchange for moonlighting: they will be waiters in her restaurant.
Slobo Slobosevic
The nationalist winds are blowing in Belgrade. Mirjana and Slobo listened to the speech on Milošević's Greater Serbia; in the kitchen of the dining car they sharpen knives for the Muslims.
Questo lavoro ha fornito anche l’occasione per un primo utilizzo della tecnologia di ripresa a 360°.
La sperimentazione è nata come reazione al covid, come necessità di inventarsi forme che potessero salvaguardare il lavoro degli attori di teatro anche in tempi pandemici, lontani da un pubblico in presenza. Dalla collaborazione con il videomaker Oscar Serio è nato un percorso installativo con il quale, tramite una serie di QR CODE attivati dagli smartphone, i visitatori si troveranno immersi dentro alle scene dello spettacolo, ma anche al backstage e a riprese dei momenti preparatori, andando a “montare” loro stessi il loro spettacolo.
Riproponiamo qui i video dell’installazione, collegati ai rispettivi quadri.